Emily Stedman Watercolor Artist
Interested in acquiring watercolor paintings? Contact: emily@emilystedman.com
I often create watercolor scenes of historic buildings and people from the past.
Using old photographs as reference, visiting and painting on the spot, I design watercolors of situations that might have existed. When I come across certain historic buildings, I wonder who inhabited them.
Is their presence still there in some way? I explore the families, the kitchens where they sat, the ghosts, and the lives they lived long ago, before the internet and cars were invented.

Watercolor on paper. 22 x 30 in. Private Collection.

Hostorical watercolor painting of South Bronx, NY workers outside beer hall J & M Haffen's Extra Lager Beer/Bronx, New York/circa 1890 Waatercolor on paper 22 in x 30 in 2011 Painted from an old black and white photo, imagined and interpreted scene of workers outside their work place, probably located around 138th St and 3rd Ave in the South Bronx. A German neighborhood at the time! Circa 1890.

Watercolor on paper 16 in x 20 in 2010 Circa 1940. My Dad, Murray Stedman, and a group of soldiers in Ft Riley Kansas on horseback. Soon the army replaced the horses with tanks for training for WWII. Then overseas for the next 5 or 6 years of war.

Watercolor on paper. 22 in x 30 in. Boys outside of the first public library in NYC. In uptown Washington Heights, ca 1800's. Private collection.

Watercolor on paper 14 in x 20 in 2012 Taken from an old black and white photo, this is my interpretation and memory of my Grandfather before I was born. He is on his horse, Watchman, outside of his house in Syosset, LI, New York.

Watercolor on paper. From Winter Times --A Short History of The Civil War at Philipse Manor Hall, Yonkers, New York. January 4-February 25, 2018.

Watercolor on paper. From Winter Times --A Short History of The Civil War at Philipse Manor Hall, Yonkers, New York. January 4-February 25, 2018.

Watercolor in paper. 20 in x 27 in. From Winter Times --A Short History of The Civil War at Philipse Manor Hall, Yonkers, New York. January 4-February 25, 2018.